‘It was my child’s birthday. I heard a crackling noise. I was drowning in my own fluid. Literally. ‘I feel like I’m dying!’ As I raised my legs, I couldn’t even tell where my knee was. I. WAS. SWOLLEN.’: Woman survives HELLP and preeclampsia

“I can distinctly recall that morning. I was tongue-tied and feeling worse by the minute. At the hospital, my mother-in-law told my husband, ‘You get back there NOW and get some answers or you are going to have a dead wife.’ She was right.”

Breast Cancer Survivor Shares PSA On Harmful Slogans

“Do you know what is said when a woman dies from breast cancer? That she ‘lost’ a battle. No, she didn’t. She lost everything, but not a battle. This is NOT in our hands. We don’t lose because we aren’t strong enough, we die because there is no cure.”