Dear Non-Judgemental Friends: Thank You For Being The Forever Door To My Safe Space

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“If you haven’t already done so lately, take a moment and thank your true friends.

Thank you for forgiving me when I forget to text you back. Sometimes the ding of my cell phone is enough to send me over the edge when I’m drowning in the chaos.

Thank you for being the forever door to my safe place, even if we haven’t seen each other in weeks.

Thank you for the beautiful laugh lines you’re etching into my face. I will learn to look back and cherish every single one, crows feet and all.

Thank you for being the brave soul to point out my harsh panty lines and the lipstick on my teeth.

Thank you for always reminding me, ‘You deserve so much better!’ even when I feel like I don’t.

Thank you for listening to my poop stories.

Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on when I’ve messed up so badly the damage feels irreversible.

Thank you for memorizing my Starbucks coffee order, just in case.

Thank you for always challenging me with new perspectives, and respecting my opinions even if you don’t agree with them.

Thank you for the Tylenol, the last bite of your pizza, the horrible selfies, the Groupon, the pep talks, the extra tampon, the birthday text at midnight.

Thank you for seeing all of my ugly, and for choosing to stick with me anyway.

No matter what life brings our way, you are, and always will be, a true friend.

This life wouldn’t be the same without you.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Katherine McNicol. Submit your own story here.

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