“Hey Teachers. Give yourself grace.
This is your first pandemic, too.
After all, this was not one of the classes that you sat through to get your degree. I mean, as far as I know, ‘How to Be a Teacher in a Global Pandemic 101’ was not part of your course load.
You see the headlines. The professions being touted as the superheroes right now. And while you know that them standing in their light does not have to take away from yours, it would be nice to be told (even every now and then) that you are doing enough right now.
Well, Teachers, I’m here to tell you that you are not just enough –
Because you are MORE than enough.
For while I sit at home worried about my children under my roof,
You sit at home worried about the children under many roofs.
While I stress if I’m doing enough for my children,
You stress if you’re doing enough for many children.
While I lay awake at night because thinking about my children keeps sleep from my eyes,
You lay awake at night because thinking about many children keeps sleep from your eyes.
My children are always fed,
But you worry about the children who are not.
My children are always safe,
But you worry about the children who are not.
My children are always loved,
But you worry about the children who are not.
I feel like there is not enough of me for the children who call me mom,
But you worry that there is not enough of you for the (many) children who call you teacher.
Can I tell you something, Teachers?
No matter what you do,
You will never be enough for some.
But please remember –
For some, you are everything.
Notice a negative comment?
Do me a favor when you do. Picture a child on their first day of school. The fear, the frustrations, and the worry in those little bodies often show themselves through big ol’ tears rolling down those chubby kindergarten cheeks. Well, fear, frustration, and worry in quarantined adults? They often show themselves in cantankerous social media comments. And bless that, Teach’.
But please know that for every negative comment you see,
There are ten positive ones right behind it.
Pay attention to your cheerleaders, Teachers.
For I’m one the them –
And trust me when say that I am not alone.
Deep breaths, Teachers. You are doing just fine.
Me, on the other hand? Teaching your students here?
I’m not doing so hot. But that’s another story for another day.
A (very) Grateful Parent
P.S. This picture is from the good ol’ days. You know. When kids used to need backpacks and stuff.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Heather Delaney of Love Always, Heather. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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