‘If you are having to fight for a place at the table, if you are having to beg for an invitation, those are not your people.’: Woman urges ‘you deserve to belong’

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“If you are having to fight to have a place at the table…

If you are having to beg for an invitation…

If you are feeling like a third wheel, as you search for a sense of belonging…

If someone is making you feel less than, unworthy, underappreciated, or unwelcome…


Sure, you may not have a seat at the ‘cool kid’s’ table, but odds are if they ever allowed you in their circle, they would do nothing but make you feel inferior.

You deserve to belong.

You are worthy of having an open invitation from people who desire your company, who truly see you and value the gifts you have to offer.

The table that is meant for you, will have an open chair.

You won’t have to fight for your right to be there.

There won’t be someone else in YOUR seat, because no one else can be you. That is your superpower.

The people who are meant to be in your corner will stay.

The friendships that offer unconditional love, as you grow, will stand the test of time.

Your circle might decrease in size, but watch it increase in joy, peace, acceptance, and encouragement.

If you couldn’t find a seat in the place that you expected to, it doesn’t mean you don’t have ANY place, friend.

Don’t kill yourself wondering why they don’t like you…You are loved.

Don’t try to earn their approval…You’re already enough.

Stop defining your worth by other’s rejection…You know who you are.

Please know your value and adjust your circle accordingly.”

Courtesy of Tabitha Yates

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Tabitha Yates, a writer, master life coach and founder of The Redeemed Mama. You can follow her journey on her websiteFacebook, and InstagramSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Tabitha:

‘You’re the girl without a tribe. You, my dear, are not broken. People just don’t know how wonderful you are yet.’: Woman urges ‘whatever girl you are, you are not alone’

‘I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m too loud, too quiet. We try so hard to bend 50 different ways to fit a mold, but why? For what?’: Woman learns to accept herself as is

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