‘My husband came home and said, ‘I want to start my own company.’ Just like that, he quit his well-paying, secure job as a plumber.’: Woman shares reminder to pursue your dreams

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“2 years ago, my husband came home from his job as a plumber and said, ‘I want to start my own plumbing company.’ And just like that, he quit his well paying, secure job. ⁣
⁣He went out, bought a van, used all of his savings to buy all of the tools he needed, and started taking every single job he was offered. ⁣

No job was too small, too far, or too hard. He was determined. ⁣

I think hearing things like…

‘Starting your own business is a big risk.’

‘You could lose all your money.’ ⁣

‘It won’t work out. That’s a huge risk with kids to feed.’

Pushed him to work even harder.

The next two years he worked 6-7 days a week, taking any job that came his way. ⁣

Answering every phone call. ⁣

Sending out estimates nonstop. ⁣

Hanging flyers around houses every Saturday morning. ⁣

Pinning his business card everywhere. ⁣

Last year, he finally made a big step by hiring his first employee. ⁣

That made him work harder. Making sure he had the work to keep up.⁣

Now, 2 years into his company, he has multiple employees..⁣.

And has just landed his biggest job.⁣

See that building behind us? That’s a hotel. That Noah landed on his own. Through hard work and determination. ⁣

His first, of many, six figure contracts. ⁣

Taking this picture with him, standing in front of all of those 50+ empty rooms he will be in charge of doing, has made it all worth it. ⁣

All of the doubt. ⁣
All of the money invested. ⁣
All of the weekends sacrificed. ⁣
All of the date nights canceled. ⁣

It was all worth it. ⁣

This is a picture I will forever cherish. ⁣

This is our ‘we made it’ picture.

But our journey here was far from perfect.

(Also, our daughter wasn’t there for the picture, and our son refused to look at the camera.)

So I think this picture represents us, and our journey, perfectly.”

Woman proudly smiles at her husband while standing in front of the hotel his plumbing company just signed a contract with
Courtesy of Caitlin Fladager

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Caitlin Fladager, and originally appeared here. You can follow her journey on Facebook and InstagramSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

Read more from Caitlin here:

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