Adoption can be a difficult transition for parents and children alike.

- Love What Matters
- Family
Adoption can be a difficult transition for parents and children alike.
The adoption process can be long and difficult for many people. Having a support system can make the whole journey easier and less stressful.
Deciding to become a foster parent is a large and difficult decision.
Parent-child relationships don’t stop at 18 years old. Adoption doesn’t need to either.
“I don’t know why we were put in this, but I know this is what we’re supposed to do. We need to stand in the gap.”
“All the challenges he’s had in his 5 years of life had an answer. As we enter 2023, we are faced with so much uncertainty but abound in hope.”
“Despite all the challenges and in face of all struggles, there is so much love in our house.”
“We’ve enjoyed our life as a couple and we are excitedly anticipating being a family.”
“10 years, 9 kids, 1 grandson later, and I’m still fostering. This is not about me, my feelings, or my needs.”
“Society has moved forward, but old-school stereotypes remain ever so present.”