‘My sister pushed me to have an abortion, but I couldn’t do it. Not even 90 days clean, I found out I was pregnant.’: Woman overcomes addictions to have beautiful baby

“We ended up talking. I opened up about my grief and he shared that his father had passed away. We had been very good friends for years and helped each other through battling the same demons… And then I got the call, he had been robbed and shot in a parking lot. My world crumbled. Why him? Why now?”

‘It seems your water has broken, baby has no fluid left.’ I looked at my husband, full of tears. I squeezed his hand and took a deep breath. I didn’t notice I was holding it in the entire time.’

“My husband was by my side in a heartbeat, and said, ‘let’s fight and give this baby a chance!’ I knew in my heart I needed to fight for this little life inside me. It was alive, it was thriving and it’s heart was beating. I couldn’t decide it’s fate.”

‘The 8 hours before, he was barely sniffling, laughing robustly, and writing Valentine’s Day cards. He threw up once. ONCE. I did everything, everything. This wasn’t supposed to happen.’

“In a blink of an eye, ‘it’ came. I refuse to call ‘it’ my mom, because in that moment, she wasn’t mom. Her grief had overtaken her, and ‘it’ was what she unintentionally became. And ‘it’ turned and said to me – ‘How could you let this happen?'”

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