‘Get in the car,’ my mom forcefully tells me. My mind is racing. Turning me into jail? Where are we going? The drive feels like an eternity.’ She parks. ‘Do you see this place?,’ she chokes out.’

“I had an urge. I was terrified. I went to the only place I knew I was safe. She was asleep. I stood by her crib and stared at the greatest gift I had ever been given, my beautiful baby girl. As I looked at her, tears flooded out of me. That night, she saved my life.”

‘I got implants after having a baby. I truly thought, ‘No big deal.’ I started having pain, EVERYWHERE. ‘SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.’: Woman recounts horrible experience with breast implants

“Then one day I met someone. I started reading the posts and asking questions. I found woman after woman with stories that mirrored mine. They were ME! I was THEM! Some were so sick they were on the verge of death, LITERALLY. This is when everything changed. Suddenly, I knew I needed to get them out of me ASAP.”

‘WHAT?! It is not possible. There is no way for a naturally conceived triplet to conceive triplets naturally! The odds are one in 6 million. No way it was possible.’

“It was time. The doctor showed us one baby, and then another, and then he got very silent. ‘Is it not only two babies?,’ he asked. The answer came: ‘No, we are looking at THREE babies here.’ Glenn pulled over. ‘Are you sure?,’ he asked me. Of course, none of us were sure.”

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