“Do your kids know who Greta Thunberg is?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old girl who was just named TIME’s person of the year for 2019.
She’s a diehard climate activist who, according to TIME, ‘began a global movement by skipping school’ to strike for climate change and has since ‘succeeded in creating a global attitudinal shift transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change.’
Thunberg ‘has focused the world’s attention on environmental injustices that young indigenous activists have been protesting for years.’
Do your kids know who Divina Maloum is?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
Divina Maloum is a teenager who ‘built a grass-roots youth-led movement’ called ‘Children for Peace.’
According to KidsRights.org, Divina visited Cameroon, a country in Central Africa, and ‘witnessed first-hand the radicalization and violent extremism on children’ where they ‘are separated from their families and face exploitation, abuse, and recruitment as child soldiers.’
Divina created Children for Peace ‘to promote child participation in peacebuilding and sustainable development’ via peer education.
Divina was awarded ‘The International Children’s Peace Prize,’ in 2019.
Do your kids know who Emma Gonzalez is?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
Emma Gonzalez was a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, when a school shooting took place. After surviving such a horrific incident, post-tragedy, Emma, and a group of other teen activists sought (and continue) to fight for an end to gun violence.
According to GoodHousekeeping.com, Gonzalez co-founded a group for gun control called ‘Never Again MSD,’ and ‘gave a moving speech at the March for Lives Rally.’
Emma also helped to get the ‘Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act’ passed by Florida lawmakers in March of 2018.
Do your kids know who Campbell Remess is?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
According to CNN Heroes, Campbell, an Australian boy, was only nine years of age when he inquired to his parents about buying Christmas presents for kids at a local hospital.
When told doing such would cost his family too much money, Campbell pursued his desire anyway by founding ‘Project 365’ and using his mother’s sewing machine to craft ‘one-of-a-kind teddy bears to give to sick children in the hospital and around the world.’
Do your kids know who Jackson, Tristan, and Violet Kelley are?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
Jackson, Tristan and Kelley are siblings who, according to Mental Floss, in the summer of 2009 launched ‘Backpacks for New Beginnings’ to ‘provide backpacks and school supplies for underprivileged kids around the Boston area,’ because they wanted ‘to do more than donate money or toys.’
Backpacks for New Beginnings is a charity ‘for kids run by kids.’
Do your kids know of these under-age, world-changers, and others?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
But they will now.
Here’s my intention for 2020 and I hope you’ll join me in this:
Each day, let’s talk to our children about another child in this world, one who is doing good for it and the people in it, reminding our kids that, even at a young age, they are capable of making a difference, and encourage the heck out of them to find both big and small ways to do such every day.
You don’t have to start a charity, but can you start a smile chain.
You don’t have to speak at rallies, but you can speak up for someone who can’t or won’t.
You don’t have to donate items, but you can always offer up a listening ear.
Do your kids know all the good they can do?
Mine don’t, and it’s my fault.
But they will.”

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