Childhood Birthdays
“If you have a December baby in your family or friend group, listen up!
I’m a Christmas Eve baby. While I love my birthday now because I am a mama with six kiddos who gets mega brownie points for having a birthday on the day Santa comes, I haven’t always loved my birthday.
As a child it was tough due to the time of year! My parents worked hard to try to make it special for me, but I still felt like I was swindled in terms of a big birthday bash surrounded by friends. Everyone is busy around Christmas.
A lot of my birthday presents doubled as a Christmas present. People would wrap my gifts in Christmas wrapping paper. My birthday cakes had Santa on them.
It just felt like I could never get out from under the shadow of Kris Kringle.

Adult Birthdays
When I became an adult, I started to really love my birthday. I mean, how cool is it that I get to have two straight days of gifts, family, and celebrations? In college, all my friends would come home for break and we would be able to celebrate together which was a blessing not many people get!
When I became a mom, my birthday became this magical day in my children’s eyes which made it SO fun for me. I’m turning 30 this year and I cannot wait to ring in this significant birthday with all things Santa-related. Isn’t it funny how time and perspective can change your view of something?
But someone growing up took the time to think out of the box to make me feel like I had another time of the year to look forward to. My siblings had spring and fall birthdays. I always wondered what it would be like to have another time of the year to have a day all about them. So, my grandma stepped up.
Grandma’s Tradition
She started this tradition around the age of 10 to give me June 24th as my day. Obviously, it’s my half birthday, and half birthdays I’ve found as a mom, are still sort of taboo. But hear me out!
My grandma would take me to breakfast at Cracker Barrel every June 24th. Then we would go to a store and I would pick out a new swimsuit and sandals. The gesture was small but so monumental in my little kid mind. I felt like someone cared about me so much to take time out of their life to make sure I had another day in the year for me.
Every year after, I looked forward to those little dates so much.

I live many states away from my grandma now, but she still texts me every June 24th to make sure I know she still remembers it. Such a sweet lady! I appreciate her love for me so much more now that I’m a mom myself.

I know friends with December birthdays that have huge celebrations on their half birthdays during June. I always wanted to have a big summer bash, but I just never did it. I never wanted a ‘half-birthday’ party, just a summer party.
I had visions of all my friends coming over and us playing kickball, having a water balloon fight, tie-dying shirts, eating watermelon, and BBQing some chicken. I just wanted that big birthday party feel without the craziness or pressure of Christmas looming.
So, if you have a little kiddo in your family that has a December birthday, send them a card in the mail! Something just saying, ‘I’m thinking of you!’ or go scoop them up from their home! Order some take-out breakfast or lunch and have a picnic at the park. Make a tradition of it.
It leaves such an impression when someone takes the time to make you feel good!
Or if you’re into the half-birthday thing, throw a party! Maybe this year isn’t the best to do that with everything going on with COVID…but make a note of it for next. Kids love a pool party or anything water-related. Kids love parties in general, so it really is a win-win for everyone.
For me, it was never about the gifts. I just wanted an excuse to hang out with my friends for an entire day, doing fun things.
So, to all the December birthday kids who aren’t keen on their birthday – I get it. It gets better as an adult! It gets even better after 21! Last year Santa almost missed the house because the wine was flowing pretty nicely…
So, cheers to the June and July celebrations becoming more of a tradition because celebrations are always worth it!”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Molly Schultz of Tried and True Mama. You can follow her on Instagram. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.
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