“Ever dated a guy who said, ‘You look so good when you lose weight. I’m so much more attracted to you sexually, otherwise, I feel like cheating.’ I have.
I had an ex who held me from behind while I was getting dressed in the mirror and said, ‘you look so thin!’ Like it was an amazing compliment. This guy was not a fitness fanatic. Actually, he never worked out, was extremely unhealthy, and was triple my size.
I didn’t care, I loved him as he was. I realize now he needed me to be thin so he’d feel like he had a bigger d*ck. Sorry babe, it didn’t work.
Superficial attraction is soap in the water. It dissolves. But real attraction? Real deep connection, love, and MATURE attraction? Well, it doesn’t care what size you are, it doesn’t compliment you on a scale size. It loves you for you, your true self. The size of your heart – that’s what it is.
Your body can dance, it can give hugs, it can give life, it can play, and it can love – without condition. That’s amazing. You deserve someone who notices you for all that you are, someone incredible. Someone who doesn’t appreciate you and the whole woman that you are? Well they can kiss my cellulite-y a**, in my opinion.
You deserve a whole lot better than that sis, kick him to the curb and embrace your curves.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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