‘I tried to forget my career dreams when I became a mom, but I was lost. Women are spread so thin.’: ‘Mompreneur’ encourages others to chase their goals, ‘It can be done’

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“I struggle with deciding whether or not to share my personal moments on my business platform. But, when I capture moments like this, I feel like they’re important to share! It’s one of those single, everyday moments. But, when you really stop to look at them, you realize just how special it is to be able to enjoy and be there for that moment. Can you breathe in a picture? Almost like stopping to smell the roses? That’s how I feel when I see this sweet moment.

Courtesy of Celeste

But most of all, I want others to know, if they have a dream as a mom to be an entrepreneur, they don’t have to miss moments like this to chase their dream. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and I’ve always wanted to create for people. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to create and make things that put a smile on a person’s face and made their day a little brighter — whether that was making bracelets and drawings in elementary school; running my own snow cone stand in junior high; or standing outside in the freezing weather, early on Black Friday, making hot chocolate for frozen shoppers.

I tried to forget this dream when I first became a mother, while my heart was full as well as my hands… But, I felt lost after my little one was asleep. I’d gone from having a full-time career managing/creating new aspects of a product and working with teams, to being at home all day by myself with a tiny human who couldn’t really interact with me. Enter one of my favorite quotes by Dieter F. Uchtdorf : ‘The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.’ That quote spoke to my heart, and still does. So naturally, I started crafting things!

Courtesy of Celeste

For Steven’s Christmas present, I decided to get him a dry-erase calendar, because he loves being organized. But, all of them were ugly, so I crafted my own. Friends and family who came to our house and saw it hanging on the wall, wanted me to make one for them too. My friends kept telling me I needed to sell them. After hearing it over and over again (and seeing the supplies I used go on sale one day), I decided to just go for it. Steven came home from work to our tiny little kitchen bursting at the seams with framing supplies. He was skeptical they wouldn’t sell and said I should return it all. I convinced him if I hadn’t sold anything by the time my return window came, I’d return it all and we wouldn’t be out of any money. Well… ya’ll know the ending to this story. I’ve successfully made it well past that return window!

I’m not saying it’s a cake walk. I stay up late working every night, and there are countless nights where Steven and I silently tap the evening away on our laptops. But, at the end of the day, I feel fulfilled in every way.

Courtesy of Celeste

My business brings a wonderful dynamic into our marriage (because Steven also loves business!) and fulfills my need to create, without taking away the wonderful moments of motherhood. You just have to be extremely deliberate in balancing work and life. Make a specific schedule for when you work and stick to it! Sometimes, the cheapest option isn’t worth the time it takes. I used to spend almost 45 minutes boxing up one order, because of the cheaper standard box size. Now, I have custom made boxes that fit them perfectly. And, all that time is worth the money! Be willing to make less in order to hire help with work or your home. Read that last one specifically ya’ll. Hire help with work or your home! I feel like we, as women, always feel like we must do everything… we’re horrible at delegating. And then, we’re run-down, exhausted, and obviously can’t do it all because we’re spread so thin. Delegate, delegate, delegate!

Courtesy of Celeste

There are lots of things you can do to make space for that stay-at-home-mompreneur life.⁣⁣ I don’t walk that line perfectly, but it CAN be done. So, to the mama out there, yearning to create… consider this your sign. You can do it.

Fellow momprenuers who’ve already taken the leap, let’s hear what your hustle is and how many littles you’re raising at the same time! I’m honored to be listed in the tribe of momprenuer. There is something special about not being alone in something. I used to feel isolated in being a woman in love with business. I was usually only one of two or three women in my business classes during college. It gives me great pride to see so many of ya’ll killing it out there, supporting your families and not being afraid to go after your dream. Go get’em girls!”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Celeste of Circle & Square Decor. It originally appeared on her InstagramSubmit your own story here, and subscribe to our best stories in our free newsletter here.

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