“I didn’t expect to spend my daughter’s spring break roaming the bare aisles of a grocery store.
I didn’t expect for planes, and all plans, to be grounded.
I didn’t expect there to be emptiness where water bottles and paper products used to be.
I didn’t expect schools to close indefinitely. I am not a stay-at-home mom, nor a teacher, and yet suddenly now I am both.
I didn’t expect the storms to come, literally and figuratively. The streets are flooding with water, but also fear and panic.
I didn’t expect social media to be so conflicting. Everywhere I look there is a different opinion or plan. It’s hard to know who to trust when all the voices shout so loud.
I didn’t expect to be worried about simple things like hand sanitation, or the fact that I live with an immune-suppressed spouse.
I didn’t expect a virus would run rampant through our world.
I also didn’t expect it to unite us.
I didn’t expect world leaders to all come together for the same fight.
I didn’t expect to see younger generations caring for the elderly. Stepping outside of ego to defend the defenseless.
I didn’t expect online fundraisers for food banks. The schools closed to keep children safe, but we are keeping them from starving.
I didn’t expect to see churches close their doors and yet open their arms to those who differ from them.
I didn’t expect that extra time with my child would unite us in a way we so desperately needed.
I didn’t expect to find out that everything I needed to survive isn’t on a shelf, but within myself. If I have strength and a roof over my head, I am among the lucky ones.
There are a lot of unexpected things happening right now in our country, our economy, and our homes. It’s easy to focus on the fear. But what’s equally as contagious as a virus is perspective. We have the opportunity every day to control how we feel, and there’s great power in that.
I didn’t expect life to come to a screeching halt.
But I do expect—with perseverance, perspective, and hope—the best is yet to be.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Stephanie Hanrahan. Follow Stephanie on Facebook here, Instagram here and visit her website here. The article originally appeared here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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