“The kids are out of school until April and I need the essentials. Yes, even toilet paper. But one package, not 18. Walmart had closed aisles and pushy patrons. I was ill as a hornet, overwhelmed, and the baby barely fit in my overflowing cart.
I illegally grabbed some paper towels from a closed aisle and went to check out. My cart was so full I was having to put bagged items on the floor and back in the cart that wasn’t even empty yet. I knew I was going to need another cart to hold everything, and another set of hands to push it to my car in the pouring rain.
And there he was, a man in his 60s got behind me in line as I frantically loaded the conveyor belt. He said, ‘Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.’
‘Amen!’ I said throwing corn dogs on the counter.
‘Looks like you’re going to need another cart,’ he said and nodded to his own. His cart only held one t-shirt.
Who needs a cart for one t-shirt!? It was like manna straight from Heaven.
‘I’m going to push it to your car, too. Don’t say no. Don’t rob me of my blessing.’
I nearly cried right there. I needed a cart. I needed someone to push it. And despite my horrible attitude all morning, the Lord provided it.
I paid for my two carts of groceries and said, ‘I’m buying that t-shirt.’
‘No. You’re not doing that.’
‘Don’t rob me of my blessing,’ I said.
I pushed the full cart to my car, and he followed behind with the other one. The rain poured and the tired baby fussed as I strapped her into her seat, and he loaded the things into my car.
‘God calls us to be His disciples,’ he said as he pushed cantaloupes and ice cream into every square inch of my cargo space.
We talked about the Lord and His goodness and before he walked away, he said, ‘I’ll see you again. If not on this earth, then in Heaven.’
Yes, you will, good sir.
Yes, you will.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Susannah B. Lewis, and originally appeared here. You can follow her journey on Facebook. Submit your own story here and besure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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