‘Today I was told, ‘They’re positive. Parker was indirectly exposed.’ I have been advised to quarantine myself and my child for 14 days.’: Mom urges us to do the right thing, ‘My parents and grandparents appreciate it, and so do yours’

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“Today I was informed that Parker was indirectly exposed to COVID-19. This means, he was in another home on Sunday afternoon where someone who’s now tested positive for COVID-19 also was at the same time. There was no direct contact. But things touched by this person were also touched and handled by my child.

Courtesy Kim Parker

What does this mean? I have now potentially been exposed to the virus as well. Therefore, after talking with my family physician and the Tulsa Health Department, it has been advised to quarantine myself and my child for 14 days.

Here’s where voluntary quarantine and ‘flattening the curve’ comes into play. Here’s where those of us who run very low risk of unmanageable symptoms STEP UP to stop the spread of contagious disease on behalf of those with compromised immune systems and/or are above the age of 60. Here’s where we make the decision to use wisdom and have compassion for humanity. Here’s where we are mindful of the extended incubation period that could potentially infect the projected 20 people between myself and Parker … which could multiply to 40 and then 80 and then so on.

Even at minimal risk? It’s not worth it to me to potentially give the Mimi’s and Grandads and Grammy’s of the world a virus they could potentially not ward off. It’s not worth it to me to flood our local hospitals with unnecessary cases; using up vital equipment, resources, and medical staff time for critical cases because I didn’t want to suck it up for 14 days.

Courtesy Kim Parker

This will be HARD. And I’ll need all the prayers you can spare. But often God walks into the fire with you so others can see your freedom experienced through dependence on Him.

Courtesy Kim Parker

It is my problem because it could affect people I love. It is your problem because my choice could effect people you love. Do the right thing, People.

My parents and grandparents appreciate it. And so, do yours.”

Courtesy Kim Parker

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Kim Parker. Follow her journey on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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