“I found this picture on my husband’s phone yesterday. During those first few weeks with a new baby, it doesn’t get much more real life than this.
Honestly, I am not even sure what’s happening here.
Am I asleep? Why am I on the floor?
Is it even helping? Back then, I was so sleep deprived and frazzled by his colicky cries that I probably thought so.
Those were hard days. I remember feeling lost, feeling like I’d completely lost myself. When you have to negotiate time for a shower, it feels as though you’ll never get another minute to yourself again.
That same baby is now almost 6 months. He naps well and goes to sleep at 7 p.m. every evening. There’s plenty of time to shower now, and do my own thing. Now, a picture like this would have to be staged.
It’s great when they get easier, isn’t it? But terribly sad too.
Because, I’ll never have another moment like this. Never another newborn in a swaddle, keeping me awake and slightly insane. Crazy, but oh so in love.
It all goes by too fast.
And saying goodbye to each small stage, even the tough ones, feels like the very definition of bittersweet.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Katy Dodds. Follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Katy here:
Dear Last Born, I’m Sorry My Phone Is Always In Your Face—This Is My Final Chance
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