“Pardon my smell, but this is how I balance motherhood, work, and self-care.
Pardon the visual, but this is how I attended my kids’ end-of-the-year school performance — like a sweaty, hot mess.
Don’t get me wrong, on a typical day, I rock this same look, but today being a special, celebratory event for my munchkins, I probably could have (and maybe should have) dressed up a bit, or at least not looked so wrecked.
But, I didn’t, and here’s why…
Because post-school drop-off for all three kids, I rushed to the gym and worked out hard for forty minutes and then busted my carcass to make it to the preschool to help out with some decorating and to (most importantly) secure a few front row, center(ish) seats for me and my plus two.

There’s something to be said (like ‘you’re a bad-a**’) for those who make it all work— parenting, employment, personal care, and a social life — and still find the time to shower and look presentable.
Still, there’s something to be said (like ‘you, too, are a bad-a**’) if you are one who is making it all work, in the only way you have figured out so far, and that’s by skimping on showers, drinking far too much coffee, steadily rocking a messy bun or a hat, and smelling and looking like less than a 10 on the regular.
Some days, I’m flabbergasted with myself for actually going around town looking as run down as I do, but then I look in the direction of my three amazing, loving and exhausting love nuggets and I’m okay with it.
I’ll smell for them any day of the week.
I’ll do anything for them any day of the week.
And, I’m also trying to do things for me every day of the week, like focusing on my health and my writing, and so far, I’m getting it all done; at the expense of my stench and appearance, but that’s what a little highlighter, bronzer, and body spray are for.
Life won’t always be as chaotic as it is now.
We won’t always be this busy, and my kids won’t always be this young.
And, because of that, at this phase in my life, with the ages of my kids and where I am in motherhood journey, all I can say is ‘Pardon my smell, but this how I balance motherhood, work, and self-care.'”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Nicole Merritt of Jthreenme, where the post originally appeared. You can follow her on Facebook, her website or podcast.
Read more from Nicole:
‘To all the men with daughters, you need to love your WIFE as you want your DAUGHTER to be loved.’
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