“Dear current body,⠀
Body full of stretch and squish.⠀
Body that has gone through so much change, a lot to reminisce.⠀
Body that has tightened, stretched and grown.⠀
Body that has made me incredibly proud, but one that has caused me many times to frown.⠀
Body that has been taken care of so well, but also hasn’t been before.⠀
Body that I love, but sometimes do not adore.⠀
Body that has carried life and brought life to this world, but has carried life and sent angels to soar.⠀
Body that is resilient, yet has been so fragile before.⠀
Body that is strong, but has been weak in prior years.⠀
Body that is here, body in the now, body that is not yours.⠀
Because this body is forever mine, full of layers that have built me to where I am now.⠀
And one that will continue to carry me through even though some days I don’t know how.⠀
These are just some thoughts that come to mind, as I am still learning to appreciate how far I’ve come and where I am now.⠀
What I do know is this body is all mine, full of pride, emotions, marks and squish, and one that has and still struggles no matter how it looks.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Alicia Tyo of Stirling, ON. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story here.
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