“Here’s to the girl dads.
Here’s to the guys who love hiking and fishing.
Who camp and build things with their hands.
Who have tattoos on their arms,
Here’s to the guys guy,
That now hold a little girl.
Thanks for pausing the wrestling matches to conduct tea parties.
Thanks for babysitting baby dolls,
And letting tiny hands,
Put polish on your big toes.
Here’s to the dads who watch princess movies,
And slow dance in the kitchen.
The dads who helped take off training wheels,
Who tighten seatbelt straps,
And fasten car seats in.
Who hold hands when crossing the street,
Who have spent so many years right now learning to hold on,
And will spend the rest of your lives learning to let go.
You are building hearts with your construction hands.
And I know a little girl who thinks the world of you.
So here’s to the girl dads,
Who give so much beauty to the word

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by I’m That Wife. You can follow their journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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