I do most things halfway.
It’s not because I’m lazy and it’s not because I give up easily. It’s not even because I don’t like what I’m doing. It’s because I’m in that season when I’m constantly interrupted by the small tribe of people that I’ve created.
Little mini versions of me and my husband rampaging on the every day mundane. I have a big dinner planned, but I only have the main dish made because there’s one of the little people climbing up onto the counters needing help with a coloring project. The same piles of laundry sit unfolded in the laundry room for days because the toddler needs help going potty because she just can’t quite do it by herself yet. And the baby has a volcanic blow out while I’m trying to get ready in the morning, so some days “getting ready” looks like a damp messy bun and Chapstick because that’s all I had time for. And sleep (what is sleep?), we all know that as parents of littles we do that halfway, too.
And those floors I started cleaning a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, the same crusty ketchup is still stuck to the baseboards and there is still jelly stuck on the floor.
Halfway. This is the season of most things getting half way done.
But despite the way my house looks and despite the way I’m put together (or not put together, ha!), there are a few things I do all the way.
When my kids jump up on my lap in the morning, I cuddle them all the way. I put down my coffee and we snuggle under the covers. I take in the way they smell and kiss their chubby cheeks while they take their place against my chest and in my arms.
When my husband and I have a few moments together, I am present all the way. I look into his eyes and listen. A lot of the time we even try to hold hands. The moments we have together are few and far between during these little people raising years; we don’t take a single moment for granted.
And when I put on my favorite sweat pants, plop down on the couch, and turn on my favorite show, I Netflix all the way. It takes a few minutes to shut the rest of my mind off and let go of all thing things I’ve left halfway done, but when it’s time for me, I’m learning to do that all the way, too.
So here’s to some of the not so important things being left halfway done and the more important things being done all the way. Just make sure you go all the way on the right ones.

This story was written by Lauren Eberspacher of From Blacktop to Dirt Road. The article originally appeared here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.
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