‘My daughter lost her mind, tantrum, tears, because ‘Talking Booty Baby’ lost her head, literally. It was dangling. ‘Mommy please fix her!!!’ She was devastated. Tears streamed down her cheeks.’

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“Meet ‘Talking Booty Baby.’ Literally, that’s what my daughter Charlize calls her. Charlize has like 173638286 babies and I swear she would know if one magically disappeared. Her love for babies is pretty extreme, but it’s especially over the top for Talking Booty Baby.

Talking Booty Baby is Charlize’s FAVORITE baby. By the way, the reason her name is ‘Talking Booty Baby’ is because in order for her to talk, you have to press the ‘on’ button where her ‘booty’ is. Charlize is really creative with baby names. What you may not know about this doll is that it’s like $90! It talks and cries, it’s Baby Alive. I didn’t spend the $90 on the baby doll and don’t know that I would ever spend that kind of money on a baby doll, but that’s not the point. The point is, she is very special to Charlize, to say the least.

This baby is essential in comforting Charlize, especially when she is sick. My triplets often need breathing treatments even when the slightest cold comes a knockin’. We were able to model and show Charlize how brave Talking Booty Baby was during her nebulizer treatment and that her precious baby would be by her side the entire time. This doll is very important in our daily lives.


A couple months ago, my boys colored with pen all over Talking Booty Baby’s face and I thought world was coming to an end. But that was nothing compared to what happened the other day. Oh no, no, no.


The other day Charlize lost her mind, tantrum, tears, and all because somehow Talking Booty Baby lost her head, quite literally. It was dangling. She was devastated. Talking Booty Baby was broken. Charlize’s sadness for her baby quickly led to a full-on meltdown. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, ‘Mommy please fix her!!!,’ she cried, and then eventually it was more like demanding. My daughter couldn’t handle these big emotions.

I didn’t have any kind of glue that could help fix the situation. Of all things, why did Talking Booty Baby have to break her neck?! What was I going to do? I needed a solution. PRONTO. Then finally, it dawned on me, I had packing tape! Talking Booty Baby was good to go in NO time. And I felt like superwomen when I told Charlize she was all better. Unfortunately, Talking Booty Baby can’t do all the fancy things she could do before, but she is cured for now. Charlize was overwhelmed with so much joy because her baby was fixed. The littlest things sometimes go the longest way. Who knew there was so much power in packing tape, my friends! Sometimes mamas just have to make do.”


This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Desiree Fortin of California. You can follow her journey as a mom of triplets on Instagram.

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