“Wanting is part of being human. Wanting is part of living. We all want, we all yearn for more.
Some may want wealth, others may beg for more time spent at home. A life without wants is a life that isn’t moving forward and growing.
We cannot help what we want, it’s something that is deep within us. And we cannot apologize for the things we want when and if they do not fall in line with the expectations the world has set for us.
We all will always want for more, or something newer, something different.
You have the entire world at your finger tips, but that world is whatever you decide to make it.
It could be to have another baby, go back to college, buy a bigger house. Whatever you want!
Life is about investing, not just in those around you but in yourself as well. You can’t pour from an empty cup; fulfilling those wants and needs is all part of pouring into yourself.
Who is stopping you from going after the things you want? The answer is you. The only person who has the ability to stop you in your tracks is yourself.
Now why self sabotage? Is it fear? Are you afraid that you can’t do it, or that you don’t deserve it? Or is it ‘just not the right time?’
We’ve all been there, when you have the option to do something ‘selfish’ (or what others would consider selfish) or doing something for someone else (or nothing at all). We have all had to make those tough calls. It’s just the way this world works… always full of tough decisions.
So make those calls, take on those challenges, and make the world yours! No one is stopping you. You are a force to be reckoned with and can accomplish anything your heart desires.
You just have to go for it. You can’t compare your path with the paths of others. Forge your own way and own it!
And never apologize for what you want.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Harley Murphy. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her blog. Submit your own story here.
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