‘We rushed to go get our nails done but her reason ‘why’ struck me right in my heart.’: Mental Health counselor says, ‘you never know someone’s ‘why’

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“Nail salons are finally open so, of course, I went to go get my little nails painted.

As usual, I chatted with the person who was next to me.

She was a 17-year-old girl with beautiful big eyelashes, and she was getting her nails painted fluorescent orange

We laughed about how all of ‘us’ have rushed to go get our nails done but her reason for doing it struck me right in my heart.

I forgot I had my work badge on and she asked me what I do for a living. I explained I’m a social worker and work to support people with mental illnesses. She knew the organization I worked for and said she wanted to work there one day because she wanted to be a Drug and Alcohol Counselor.

She told me she wanted to do that because her Drug and Alcohol Counselor saved her life.

She was affected by drugs and felt lost, confused, and scared. She described herself as a skinny little thing who felt hopeless. She was suffering from a lot and living a tough life.

But she picked her life up and was supported by her Drug and Alcohol Counselor.

Her counselor also gave her the advice: instead of spending your money on drugs, go get your nails done, your eyelashes done, spend your money on you, and things that make you feel good.

So today, I sat next to a girl who was getting long Fluro nails filed, and I’d never felt more proud and happy.

Kinda wish I had gotten mine the same color.

You just never know someone’s ‘why.'”

Courtesy Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram hereDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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