‘All I heard was ‘buzz.’ I start whispering, ’Oh no, oh no, oh no!’ I was missing HALF my eyebrow.’: Woman hilariously recalls drastic eyebrow trimming fail, ‘It was down to the stubs!’

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“Four words for you – ‘As seen on TV.’ LOL. I have had this dang brow trimmer that I got out of the Walmart ‘As seen on TV’ section. You know the ones just before the check out stands? Well it’s been boxed in my bathroom cupboard for over two years now. It just got forgotten about, I guess. I usually get my eyebrows waxed so needless to say, it’s been in there forever.

Courtesy of Toni Register

I came home the other night and my husband Tommy had it all unboxed using it on his mustache! I walked in and he said, ‘What the heck?! Why haven’t you ever opened this? It’s awesome!’ I just laughed and thought, ‘Well, at least someone is using it.’

Courtesy of Toni Register

The next morning, I see it sitting in the corner and thought, ‘What the heck!’ Oh boy, was I wrong.

It started off great! I’m getting the mustache, those stubborn hairs that grow just above your temples but not quite on your eyebrows themselves. Then I went for the unibrow, the dreadful unibrow hairs. All is well, at first. I then got close to the mirror to check my work. That’s when it happened. I slightly moved my hand out of the way of my vision, and it just so happened to be hovering over my right eyebrow. All I heard was ‘buzz.’ I didn’t quite comprehend the extent of the accident until I looked down at the stupid trimmer and it was full of hair – like full, full, FULL!

I just started whispering, ’Oh no, oh no, oh no, ‘with each time getting louder. I looked up and yes, the worst had happened. I was missing HALF of my right eyebrow. Not just a little sliver, not just a tiny trim. It was to the stubs!!! Like full-on buzzed right off. All that was left of a once perfectly good brow was tiny little black dots where fine hairs once lived.

Courtesy of Toni Register

Tommy heard the commotion and ran in to see the damage. He smiled but respectfully tried to hold back his laughing outburst. I was already so annoyed with my day, this just topped it right off.

Courtesy of Toni Register

We were heading to town to run errands and there was no way I was going to be strutting my stuff eyebrow-less. So thank the good Lord we just got an Ulta. I had seen this magic brow pen through ads. I immediately looked it up and made Tommy drive me to Ulta before doing anything else. I walk in and there was a lady handing out coupons. I took it, assuming she would know if if they carried this pen since she worked there. She looked at me like a deer in headlights. She started stuttering and then asked the lady behind her if she could help us.

Well that lady gave us one look and proceeded to frantically tell us she was dealing with an emergency in the back and cannot help. Like, can we help a sister out, people?! Who are you?! I need makeup and you sell it!

A worker from the back heard the commotion and he offered to point us in the right direction. Thank goodness – they had it! I grabbed it and head to the front counter. By this point I’m relieved, I’m not so irritated, I’m feeling jokey and like I can finally laugh at myself. But only because I found a hopeful solution. I walked up and handed the pen to the women. I said, ‘I need this because I just shaved my eyebrow off.’ I was expecting to laugh it off with this lady, right? Well nope. Nothing. This woman slightly looked up at me and was dead silent. Like come on, I’m confessing to you in a very vulnerable state, buying the only hopeful solution to fix my already bad day, and you can’t even give me a chuckle?! Where is your holiday spirit?!

I’ll be rolling into Thanksgiving dinner looking like a half-carved turkey. Having the family I do, I’m sure I won’t ever hear the end of it! ‘Toni! Oh wait, is that you?’ I can hear it now. If you catch a glimpse of me this holiday season, don’t be alarmed. It’s still me, just a new, extra brow pen applying, less eyebrow hair wearing, me.”

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Courtesy of Toni Register
Courtesy of Toni Register

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Toni Register of Sequim, Washington. You can follow her journey on InstagramDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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