“It’s okay to not be okay.
It’s okay to want to freak the F out right now.
It’s okay to *actually* freak the f out.
It’s okay if you lose your patience in between a meeting and cooking a meal and setting up circle time and being asked 1,000 questions about snacks and TV shows and playing tag outside and trying to think of where you last saw their sneakers.
It’s okay to be scared you’re going to lose someone you love because of this godforsaken virus.
It’s okay to be mad this is happening. Mad someone lost their job, or your birthday is during this weird time or you want to go to the prom, but you probably won’t, or you wished school wasn’t closed anymore. It’s not stupid.
It’s okay to feel heartbroken for other parents who have to be separated from their children in quarantine. That you want to sob for them.
It’s okay to feel like you don’t want YOUR sister who’s a nurse to have to go into work because she’s YOUR sister and you want to keep her safe.
It’s okay to feel scared for all essential employees. Grateful and in awe, of course. But feel useless you can’t do anything for them.
It’s okay you’re pissed off and nervous and confused about potentially not having your partner or someone you love in the delivery room with you.
It’s okay if you can’t really see the bright side right now.
It’s okay if all you can think is: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
It’s okay if you want your GD eyebrows waxed.
It’s okay to feel like you want to F*CKING SCREAM.
It’s okay if you’re not okay.
But tell someone, okay? Talk about it. We’re all sort of not okay right now. I’m talking to the people I love, and I also had a virtual therapy session this week which was helpful. There’s a lot of virtual mental health services now—utilize them. We could all use someone to vent to during this.
Just tell someone how you’re feeling.
And run. Or scream. Or cry. Or laugh hysterically. Whatever YOU have to do with YOUR feelings. Feel them. Sit with them. Don’t shame them. Let them wash over you. I pray you are quarantining with someone you can give a big hug to.
I’m going to do that now. Then I’m going to finish Lion King.
Sending love.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Colleen Temple of Massachusetts. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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