“They say you should find someone you will laugh with forever.
And that’s true, I think. But at some point, the laughter stops. There’s a break in between jokes when life hits.
And you’re left with silence.
While you’re finding someone who will laugh with you, make sure they can sit in silence too.
Make sure they don’t just applaud your performance—but they stick around when the curtain closes and the house is empty.
The ultimate test of a relationship isn’t laughter. I know I can giggle with just about anyone.
But there are very few who I can sit with in silence and not be uncomfortable.
I can share a laugh with a stranger, but when sh*t hits the fan, I need a landing spot for a heavy heart and a tired body.
I don’t want to feel like I’m inconveniencing anyone by not being constantly happy. I won’t always be laughing.
Sometimes I don’t need ‘cheering up.’ Sometimes I just need understanding.
Sometimes I just need someone to sit in silence with me.
I’ve been on my fair share of awkward dates, pressured to fill the gaps in conversation with something, ANYTHING.
But the truth is—there’s not always laughter in growing pains.
There’s not always laughter in the middle of heartache.
There’s not always laughter in our wrestle with faith.
If someone is around long enough—they’ll witness a low point.
They’ll witness your ugly and your hard and your silence.
And what happens then when things aren’t as happy?
I love to laugh and enjoy life and be happy, but nothing changed my life quite like finding someone who will sit in my silence with me.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Whitney of Trains and Tantrums. You can follow her journey on Facebook and Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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