‘Because of autism, my daughter doesn’t know her beautiful brown skin is a threat in this world.’: Mom to daughter with autism says ‘I must worry about protecting her’

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“At times like this, I am able to ‘make my peace’ with autism.

Because of autism, I have not had to tell my daughter that not only do I fight for her rights and respect as a minority with a disability, but also for her rights and respect as a black person.

Because of autism, my daughter doesn’t know her beautiful brown skin is a threat in this world.

Because of autism, I don’t have to explain the growing list of hashtags.

Because of autism, I have not uttered the phrase, ‘But not ALL police officers are bad…’

Because of autism, I haven’t had to share why I have been saddened, scared, embarrassed, exhausted, angered, and agitated DAILY over the past couple of weeks.

Because of autism, I haven’t had to explain why people are marching in the streets.

Because of autism, my daughter has not been traumatized by viewing not one, but TWO (almost THREE, had Amy Cooper gotten her way in Central Park) murders of black men on any social media platform within the past few weeks.

Because of autism, when being passed by a police car during our daily social distancing ride in the car, I did not have to explain that the police were not going to harm us as long as we obeyed their orders.

(I mean, sometimes you can be obeying their orders but sti–never mind.)

Because of autism, I already had to worry about protecting my nonverbal child from authorities who don’t understand that she will not comprehend nor obey verbal orders, but I also have to worry about protecting her because…she is black.

Because of autism, my daughter has no clue how the world outside of her home views the men in her family.

Because of autism…

Because of autism…

Because of autism.




Courtesy of Dekeda

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Dekeda of Walk One Day In Our Shoes. You can follow their journey on Facebook. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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