“My favorite farmer climbed the ladder into his combine today and then turned around with a huge smile on his face. He was filled with the excitement and optimism that harvest often brings.
I smiled my biggest and happiest kind of smile back. I waved at him and snapped a picture on my phone. And when he turned that combine to head into the fields, I said the same words I say every year as harvest begins:
‘Dear God, keep him safe.’
Today, I pray for my husband and for all farmers everywhere as they enter the yellowing fields of harvest.
I pray for them as they drive the busy roads into town.
I pray for their equipment to function as it should.
I pray that, on late nights when they are weary from lack of sleep, that God would grant them alertness to finish the work.
And I pray that, when they come home, they would sleep well, knowing God has it all under control.
For all the romantic and peaceful images that farm life evokes, it’s also incredibly dangerous. As I look back on my life, I think of all the hard-working men and women who have been hurt or lost their lives on the farm because of equipment malfunctions, unruly animals, a slip of the hand, or a mistake caused by lack of sleep. I will never forget the farmers who—under great stress and despair—lost their lives to suicide.
National Farm Safety week has just recently passed, and that’s always a reminder to me that the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America. The 2020 theme for Farm Safety Week is ‘Every Farmer Counts.’
And now more than ever, I know that every PRAYER counts too.
Every prayer counts for that farmer knowing this year could make or break the family farm.
Every prayer counts for that farmer who is tired from another late night.
Every prayer counts for that farmer whose job means we eat three times a day.
Every prayer counts for that farmer driving along the highway ahead of you in a big piece of equipment, holding you up because you can’t get around it. If you think of it, say a little prayer for that farmer, too.
Every prayer counts, perhaps more than we could ever imagine.
‘Dear God,’ I pray again, ‘keep them safe.’”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jennifer Dukes Lee. You can follow their journey on Instagram, Facebook, and their blog. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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