‘My father looked right at me and said, ‘I can’t do this.’ I spent my childhood bouncing around from home to home.’: Former foster youth urges ‘you are enough’

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“Recently, I had a miraculous moment that I want to share with the world because I believe that sharing our vulnerabilities can help others.

Being vulnerable takes the courage of a lion so here goes…

When I was two, my brothers and I became foster children.

Sometime later, my father got us back.

A few years after that, he looked right at me and said, ‘I can’t do this.’

For the record, I’ve forgiven both of my parents.

They did the best they could with what they had and knew.

My childhood was spent bouncing around from home to home until I decided to start living on my own and taking control of my life at fifteen years old.

Before fifteen, I was blessed to have a series of people who sheltered and took care of me for as long as they each could.

Those people helped me to become the strong and resilient woman I am, as did all those moments of feeling alone, lost, and unloved.

On this journey, I’ve realized you never know what demons others are wrestling with: it’s important not to judge because one day you could be in that person’s shoes.

Love is our one common ground as humans.

(If you don’t believe that, it’s okay.)

Every one of us has the want to be loved and to love.

To be enough…

I could go on and on…

But I’ll leave you with this:

Recently, a woman who fostered one of my brothers found me via Facebook and sent me photos from my childhood.

brother and sister in the snow smiling
Courtesy of Betsy Feiden

Something she didn’t have to do.

She also told me how proud of me she is.

I honestly can’t tell you how powerful it was to read those words.

Some people dislike my positive attitude.

They dislike how happy I am.

They try to attempt to hurt me or make my journey harder.

They assume I don’t know pain or struggle.

For why I will never know.

Maybe it’s because kindness is seen as a weakness.

We all know pain and struggle.

I will never claim a victim.

I am the master of my destiny!

To those people. I forgive you.

I hope and pray that whatever demon you are wrestling with, you will overcome!

I will pray for nothing but the best for you.

From the little girl who felt like she was never wanted to a woman who knows that just by being a child of God she is always loved.

I am never alone.

I am enough.

This life is a beautiful adventure and journey.

Watch me FLY!

These are pictures of two of my brothers and me as children and one of my children and me today.

If you’ve gotten to this last line, thank you for reading this.

You are loved. You are enough. Never forget that! Ever!”

mom graduating with her daughter and son
Courtesy of Betsy Feiden

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Betsy Feiden. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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