“I am 18 weeks pregnant today.
Coming to terms with the fact that I won’t look like your stereotypical pregnant woman through my pregnancy has been hard at times.
Not having that little bump appear way before now and not getting to visually experience my baby growing from the outside is quite sad.
This body isn’t the one I envisioned carrying my first child in, but it’s the one I’m living in now and sometimes we just don’t get to decide when life throws you a curveball.
However, if this pregnancy is teaching me anything it’s that all bodies, including mine, are worthy of growing and bringing life into this world.
I used to think I would allow myself to get pregnant once I had lost all this weight.
I would blackmail myself against the one thing I truly wanted in life.
All because I deemed myself not the ‘correct’ size.
All my life, I’ve written off happiness in many forms due to my weight.
I’ve let it hold me back from love, success, and what I’ve really wanted.
So I am SO thankful to have fallen pregnant.
I’m SO thankful it was handed to me unplanned because I don’t believe I would of ever allowed myself to plan for it being the size I am.
And whether I’m fat, thin, obese, or anything in between, this baby will be so loved, happy, and healthy.
My body is amazing, because growing another human being IS AMAZING.
My body is capable.
My body is worthy.
And with each passing week, I’m loving my wee cherubs first home that bit more.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Naomi Smith. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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