“An open letter to my momma:
Dear mom,
How could I ever find the words to describe how much you mean to me? All the times you told me how much you loved me growing up, but never fully realizing the magnitude of those words until I had children of my own.
I am grown, married, and a momma to my own herd of children, but I’ll never stop needing you.
I’ll never stop needing the way you step in to help when I feel like I’m drowning.
I’ll never stop needing to hear your voice when I pick up the phone to call you and tell you about the most random things.
I’ll never stop needing you to hug me and pat my hair like you did when I was little.
I watched you sacrifice and put us first time and time again.
I watched you make sure our needs were always met first before your own.
I watched you give your all to make sure you raised good humans.
Momma, I’ll never be too old to ask you what you’re making me for supper on my birthday.
I’ll never be too old to sit on your couch with a cup of coffee while we visit.
I’ll never be too old to call you for advice and wisdom.
Dear mom, I’ll never be too old to stop needing you.
Thank you for everything you do for me every day. Thank you for mothering me still today.
Here’s to the mommas.”
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This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Caitlin Henderson of Faith, Farming and Family. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here.
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