‘Oh no… a fat girl in your feed. A bigger girl shouldn’t show her body. It’s gross!’: Woman shares why a ‘fat girl’ should be in your feed more often

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“Oh no… a fat girl in your feed.

Courtesy of Laura Mazza

I get it. I’ve received thousands of negative comments about my body. If I was a photo-shopped model, our eyes would just glaze over. But, a bigger girl shouldn’t show her body — it’s gross! Right? Or, so I’m told.

If she does, it must be because she has a message.

It must be about self love, or the fact she struggled with disordered eating and used to starve herself.

Maybe it’s about the stretch marks on her butt or boobs, that grew from puberty. Or the marks on her stomach from three kids. All two years apart, might I add.

Or that she struggled with self harm, depression, or anxiety.

She has CPTSD.

She learned to love her body.

She likes vegetables and likes chocolate. She doesn’t want to choose, nor does she believe in deprivation.

She’s sick of waiting for life to begin only when she is a small size. She wants to live in now.

Maybe her heritage makes her this way. Maybe.

And, maybe that message is like most of the world’s population.

Courtesy of Laura Mazza

That’s probably why a ‘fat girl’ should be in your feed more — because it IS normal. Because bodies range in size, and mine is considered the ‘average,’ even the ‘average’ height, yet we don’t see it much.

Because one size fits all are still tiny. There are more smaller sizes in shops than bigger ones.

Cellulite and stretch marks are still brushed away, even though 80% of the worlds population has them.

And, ‘fat girls’ can only show their bodies if they have an inspiring message attached.

Which is odd.

Maybe one day, bodies that are normal and average will actually be considered normal and average. That they’re vessels that have carried us all through so much. And, that they show our heartaches, our strengths, our growths, and  our abilities.

Wouldn’t that be something?

P.S. You can’t spell cellulite without U LIT GIRL! Just remember that. ”

Courtesy of Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram hereDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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