‘The Amazon delivery man wiped away tears. ‘My two boys played football too… Well, I had two. I lost one in the military. He died.’: Mom gets touching reminder to cherish every moment

“‘You never know how much you’ll miss them until those cleats get hung up for the last time.’ Suddenly, the brand markings on his uniform and on the package of dog allergy meds he held in his hand slipped from my view. All I could see and hear was a parent who loved his children deeply. And it broke me.”

‘My HR director said, ‘We don’t have a need for infertility coverage right now.’ I would have to fight ferociously and sacrifice everything.’: Woman candidly details grueling infertility journey

“Medications, injections, acupuncture, growth hormones, hot Chinese herbs, burning moxibustion sticks. No cold, raw, or processed foods and drinks. No products with parabens, fragrances, and BPA. I was mad at the world. Every second, another woman was discovering an ‘oopsie pregnancy,’ while I had done nothing short of Olympic-level aerial gymnastics to get pregnant—and it still didn’t matter.”

‘I said, ‘I’m going through an ongoing divorce,’ thinking he’d run. Instead he said, ‘Life is full of the unexpected. I’m here as long as you want me.’: Woman finds love, passion for music after toxic marriage

“I got an Instagram message from a woman saying my husband and her had been texting for weeks. ‘I thought it was best to let you know.’ When I told him he needed to stay with a friend that night, he didn’t hesitate. He packed a bag and didn’t turn back. When I got home from work, I collapsed. I called and called but he wouldn’t answer.”