‘To the woman who cannot afford to stock up on essentials for her baby right now, you are still a good mother.’: Woman pens note to mothers struggling through coronavirus pandemic

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“To the woman who cannot afford to stock up on her children’s favorite foods right now,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who has to wait until pay day to buy essentials for her baby right now,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who has to drop her child off to the daycare in the morning,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who cannot afford to pick up six bottles of hand sanitizer right now,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who was quick with her children today because everything just feels like a lot right now,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who called her best friend today and cried about the unknown,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who traveled with her children last week,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who is full of fear for her children’s school being cancelled because there is no Plan B for childcare,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who is crippled with anxiety because she doesn’t have the mental capacity to homeschool right now,

You are still a good mother.

To the woman who is getting her children to fold up laundry because she doesn’t have it in her to explain anything else right now, but she has to get their mind off of things,

You are still a good mother.

No matter what this moment of time looks for you right now,


…And a virus cannot (and will not) change that.

You are still a good mother.

Repeat it after me.”

Courtesy of Heather Delaney

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Heather Delaney of Love Always, Heather. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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