Thousands cheer from balconies for Covid-19 frontline workers in touching video: ‘We see them, we love them, and we are eternally grateful.’

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As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc across the United States, it is important to not only continue following proper health protocol to keep ourselves, loved ones, and others safe, but to come together and look for the light in these dark times. Dorri Buchholtz, an Atlanta, Georgia local, is shedding light on just that.

Recently, Buchholtz took to Facebook to share a video of thousands of Atlanta natives coming together to cheer on all the individuals on the front lines during this trying time. The video was recorded live from her condo balcony and has now been viewed by over 2.5 million people.

Buchholtz says, “Every night since Sunday, midtown Atlanta has come out at exactly 8 p.m. to cheer for and support all those who are putting their lives on the line to save ours. This includes police officers, firefighters, health care professionals, grocery store clerks, and many more.” She continued, “Every night it draws more people out and gets louder than the night before.”

When we asked her what she would like others to take away from this, she responded with the following:

“In a time when so many are putting their lives on the line, it is important they know that they are truly our heroes. We see them, we love them, and we are eternally grateful for their sacrifice. Coming together at a specific time every night to show our support is my community’s way of showing our gratitude.”

Let us continue to spread kindness and show our gratitude for those most heavily affected by Covid-19.

This video and story was submitted to Love What Matters by Dorri Buchholtz. You can follow her journey on Facebook and InstagramSubmit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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