‘When I feel frustrated with my children and need to reset, I fill my sink and wash their hands and feet.’: Mom urges ‘they just need a steady, loving hand’

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“When I feel frustrated with my children and need to reset, I fill my sink and wash their hands and feet. This was the advice given by one of the mamas at my mom group a couple of years ago. We all just sat there soaking in this wisdom.

Her advice to do this small gesture has stayed with me. With the days being long and repetitive and our schedules out the window, it’s been good to think about the man Jesus and how He chose to live on Earth.

My youngest doesn’t like shoes and is outside barefoot a lot. He often comes inside with scrapes and muddy feet. I’ve taken to washing his feet in the sink before bed.

It changes my attitude towards him to wash his little feet and take care of him. It reminds me that he’s just a little boy who needs a steady, loving hand.

Even if I’m feeling irritated and ready to wrap up the day, this small act humbles me. It helps me remember my child’s helplessness as I am helpless without the strength of my Savior.

It gives me compassion remembering Christ’s compassion for me. It reminds me that Jesus has the highest character and standing of anyone. He holds all authority, and yet he took the posture of a servant.

It is a joy to be cleansed by Christ and share in His work. These small things are Kingdom work and they matter.”

Courtesy of Stephanie Tanner

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Stephanie Tanner of Freedom In Motherhood. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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