“Wonder why your partner is feeling a little cranky lately? Why you’re tapping her late at night and she doesn’t move? It’s not because she’s as hairy as a yeti and isn’t interested in sex.
Au contraire, mon ami. Au contraire. Us women, we love it.
No, it’s because she’s exhausted. But I know you know that… I mean, I know you’ve heard her say it a million times. But I’m going to break it down for you as to why she’s so exhausted and what she means when she’s saying to your little angels, ‘no sweetheart, mommy can’t read you another 5 books because mommy has to go hang the clothes, otherwise no one will have laundry! Ha ha.’
Because her mental load is bigger than your washing pile… and on top of that, there’s a load of cleaning to do.
Every day and every night.
Before you tap her on the shoulder because your peen is doing the electric boogaloo in your pants, ask yourself… have I helped out today?
Or have I eaten dinner and then disappeared to the toilet for 5 hours as soon as I was done and conveniently missed all the dishes being done?
Or have I sulked like a toddler because I had work today and will do a real crappy job, so no one asks me again?
Because I’m pretty sure that’s the reason she snaps at you and everyone else like a rubber band.
Because making the doctor’s appointments, the dentists, organizing the bills, gift buying, school meetings, socializing, and WORKING – uh I’m tired making this list, isn’t enough for her load, she’s gotta cook dinner too and then clean up afterwards as well.
And that toilet you’re taking a long ass time on? Guess who’s scrubbing your skiddies? You got it in one!
So why doesn’t she ask for help? ‘Ohhh if she wants help, she’s just gotta say it’ (insert stupid voice here)
Because mate, she shouldn’t have to ask you, or anyone in the bloody house.
Do you live here? Do you eat off that plate? So, it’s your job too, honey.
She doesn’t need to remind you, tell you, or give you a list, because you’re an adult who lives in a house… together! Crazy, I know! And it’s also crazy because, no one is giving her lists, because last I checked, with or without glasses, we can all see the mess, so why is it only one of us is concerned while the other one walks over it like they’re going on a bear hunt?
Say it with me real slow…okay…
And when you feel that urge to sit down when the house is a bomb site, fight it, fight it real hard, because otherwise, you’ll be fighting for your relationship, and there are plenty of others out there that can control their bowel movements until after they’ve finished clearing the dinner table.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza, where it originally appeared. Follow Laura on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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