“Dear Moms,
I have a secret for you. And I’ll tell you if you promise to tell every other mom you know.
You can be both.
You can be both a mother and a professional.
You can be both a hot mess disaster one day and a hostess with the mostest the next.
You can be both buttoned up at the office and silly with your friends.
You can be chill and motivated. A sugar fiend and health-conscious. A wife and a friend.
You can be both an employee and an entrepreneur, because who says you have to choose one path?
You can be both a novice and an expert, because we are all always learning, but you’re also super smart.
You can be a homebody and the life of the party, because sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t.
You can be you, and well, YOU.
We are all multidimensional and have at least one foot hanging out of the box society draws around us. Or that we draw around ourselves.
Often we are even hopping from box to box, or balancing on two at the same time.
In addition to being exceptional jugglers, mothers are also great hoppers and balancers. It’s a circus up in here, and we are the ringmasters giving them a show.
So none of us are simply one thing. We can be one thing, and then another thing, and then we can be both. How beautiful is that?
We can settle into the multiple roles of motherhood and career and embrace different sides of ourselves.
We can swivel between the various parts of our identities to focus our energy on what requires it most in the moment.
Our personalities are totally complex, and probably super weird. Each in our own way.
I don’t want to be one thing, because there are multiple parts of me and my life that retain importance. I also don’t want to be all the things to all the people, because that’s exhausting.
But at any given time I am both.
While that will look different for each of us, you are both too.
And the world is a better place because of it.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Becca Carnahan. You can follow her journey on Instagram and her website. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Becca here:
To The New Mom, Staring At Another Positive Pregnancy Test
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