“As a mom, some days are a total dumpster fire, and all we can do is watch it burn and pray we make it to bedtime.
Y’all, today was one of those days.
My period started.
It feels like Michael Myers is repeatedly stabbing my uterus with a knife and I can’t seem to stop crying.
Over everything.
I was folding laundry and was bawling because I realized soon I wouldn’t have any more babies in the ‘T’s size.’
I even cried over the white hairs I plucked out of my eyebrows.
The dog ate our TV remote.
And my favorite pair of glasses.
I sent my son to school in a pair of my socks with the heels sticking out the back of his shoe because I couldn’t find a clean pair of his anywhere.
Honestly, where do the socks go – I do 45 loads of laundry a day?!
I ate Goldfish and a Go-Go Squeeze for lunch.
I ran out of dry shampoo, so I had to wash my hair because I was getting dangerously close to double digits dirty.
I had a sink overflowing with dishes.
But to top it all off,
I picked up my kids from school, totally forgetting it was Slurpee Friday until they reminded me, and reminded me, and reminded me.
After asking them if we could do Slurpee Saturday instead, and seeing the horrified expressions that glared back at me in response, I reluctantly pulled into the 7-Eleven by our house.
That was not a hill I was willing to die on today.
We went in, got our Slurpees, paid, and walked back to the car.
It was only then I looked down and realized in horror, I had just walked into a public establishment wearing a ratty, old t-shirt with no bra, boobs flying free, and my husband’s old underwear… with a penis pocket!
Jesus. Take. The. Wheel.
The moral of this story is, we can’t win ‘em all.
Nobody’s life is perfect.
We’ve all driven the struggle bus.
We all have days we wish we could crawl back into bed and start over.
It’s normal.
It’s reality.
It’s life with kids. And jobs. And adult type things.
And on those days, we can’t do much more than our best, and pray we make it to bedtime.
So, mama, I’ll grab the wine, and the s’mores, then I’ll meet you next to the dumpster fire so we can watch it burn together.
And cheers for a better tomorrow.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mari Ebert. You can follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and her website. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
Read more from Mari here:
Being A Mom Is The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done — Loving You Is By Far The Easiest
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