‘My daughter, AKA the hardworking student who loves her team and school, texted me ‘I’m sad’ two weeks into the school year.’: Mom to college athlete urges ‘you are worth so much more than the sport’

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“Yes, here is our elephant in the room. When things don’t go as planned, it is easy to make excuses or to ignore it. With permission I share our story.

When your child texts you, ‘I’m sad’ – and this isn’t the first year kid – this is a curveball out of nowhere.

Rachel, AKA the hardworking perfect student volleyball player, texted me two weeks into New York this year that she was sad. Yeah, this is the junior who I know loves her life in NYC, loves her team, coaches and school.

As a college athlete…wow. We don’t always see what they give up or even if they still love or really like the sport. It was going in a way no parent wants their kid going – not eating accurately, counting down days of when it’s over, etc. This isn’t what we want for our children.

So, we said it’s okay to retire, and yes financial consequences happen when you relinquish the scholarship. But it’s just money at the end of the day, money can be be found. Her mental and physical health aren’t worth it.

Maybe our children need to hear it and know it, mostly our student athletes….you are worth so much more than the sport. You are going to be such a better person because of the sport and when it doesn’t serve you…it’s okay to retire.”

Mom and daughter take a selfie together while at a sporting event
Courtesy of Lisa Fuller Phillips

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Lisa Fuller Phillips. You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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