“In this life, one thing is certain.
In the past couple of years, I’ve taken some pretty bad losses. I lost my stepdad, who was one of my biggest cheerleaders.
Though his death was completely unexpected, I knew it was final and I could grieve, and people would understand grief comes with a loss that tragic.
Then there’s a loss of friendship. I’ve cut ties with several people over the past two years.
Some we just grew apart, or the friendship was irreparably damaged by something flippantly cruel said about a group or cause.
One friend, in particular, was the loss of my best friend of 20 years.
She held each one of my babies that came after we met. She stood up for me in my presence and out.
We laughed for hours and shared every inside joke you can think of.
We always joked we were each others’ soulmates, and we would always be the one constant in each others’ lives.
But she didn’t show up when my last baby was born.
She checked in like normal before surgery for my scheduled c-section, and made the promise to be there before my anesthesia wore off – but she wasn’t.
In fact, I haven’t heard from her since that day.
She never showed up.
She never held my son.
She never said goodbye to my older kids that called her aunt.
She just left.
There was no fight.
Nowhere to lay the blame.
She simply decided our friendship didn’t serve her anymore.
Where is the book on grieving a friend that’s still living?
Who is giving out instructions on how to explain how to properly comprehend being ghosted by someone you once considered a sister?
It stung.
She wasn’t there when I needed her most.
The birth of my last son.
The death of my stepdad.
The diagnosis of my mother.
Calls, texts, messages all went unanswered.
I cried—a lot.
But, one thing I have learned is, ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.’
I didn’t.
She showed me who she was repeatedly, and I held tighter out of loyalty.
Loyalty needs to be mutual. That’s the hard lesson I’ve learned throughout my life.
If you’re the main person putting in the effort, it’s time to re-evaluate.
Grieving a friendship is a part of life that we don’t talk about enough.
I’m not sure what was going on in her life that she felt the need to step away from our long friendship, but I wish her well.
I don’t fault her.
Maybe it was easier for her to just cut ties without looking back.
If something isn’t beneficial to you – you don’t have to stay at the table. It’s okay to eat alone until the company reflects more of who you are.
I no longer reflect what she needed, and she no longer reflects who I’ve grown to be.
While I do wish I had closure, I know the friendship isn’t for me anymore.
I know if should she pop back up, I’d let her know I’ve filled my table with people who reflect my values and know my worth in their lives.
I hope if you’re grieving a friendship, you know it’s okay to mourn a friend that is no longer in your life.
Grief is grief.
It’s the most human emotion we’ve all felt on some level.
Fill your table with those that refill your cup and lend you their spoons when you’re out.
Don’t be afraid to sit alone until the people at the table reflect your heart.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jacalyn Wetzel of Stop Yelling Please. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.
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