‘They are precious now, young mamas. But just wait until they grow up.’: Mom to teens says ‘one day you’ll see just how deep beneath the surface their beauty goes’

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“Just wait, young moms.

Just wait until your babies and toddlers and preschoolers and young children grow up and turn into teenagers and young adults.

Just wait.

They’re adorable now, but just wait until they grow up.

Then they’ll still be adorable, but they’ll also be beautiful, and it will be even better than that because you’ll know just how deep beneath the surface their beauty goes.

They’re precious now, but just wait until they grow up.

Then they’ll still be precious, but they’ll also be wise, thoughtful, insightful, interesting, funny, and fascinating.

They need you now, but just wait till they grow up.

Then they’ll still need you, but in deeper, wider ways that go beyond scraped knees and to scraped hearts that you’ll have the weighty privilege of helping to heal.

They love you now, but just wait till they grow up.

Then they’ll still love you, but it will be love of choice, love of intention, love that’s been through some fires and come out stronger on the other side.

They trust you now, but just wait till they grow up.

Then they’ll still trust you, but it will be a trust you’ve earned over all the years, a trust they’ve earned back, so it goes both ways.

Just wait, mamas.

Just wait. It will be worth it.”

Courtesy of Elizabeth J. Spencer

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Elizabeth J. Spencer, blogger at Guilty Chocoholic Mama, of Battle Creek, Michigan. Submit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories.

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