‘They told me, ‘No. Pickins were slim, no toilet paper, and it was ridiculous.’ I grab a pack of toilet paper and back up the hill we went.’: Woman reminds others ‘Check on your elderly neighbors and friends. They are important, too.’

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“Jacob and I took the kids for a walk around the block today.

We were about to around the corner back into our neighborhood when we noticed two elderly gentlemen sitting outside enjoying the weather as well. Finley loves grandparents, so he walked up to them.

We started talking a while and one of the men asked, ‘You finding everything you need at the store?’

I replied, ‘I was about to ask you the same question.’

They told me, ‘No. Pickins were slim, no toilet paper, hardly any nonperishables, and it was ridiculous.’

One of the men’s wives even works at the Remke that is a few blocks down, and she even couldn’t get ahold of toilet paper. While we were talking, Finley kept playing in their garden with these solar lights. Then looking back at the ‘grandpas’ smiling. He loved the lights. Finally, we started walking back to the house and of course, I couldn’t stop thinking about the old men. Jacob told me, ‘Do what you want.’

We got home, I grabbed a pack of toilet paper, grabbed Finley, and back up the hill we went. As we approached the men, their wives were outside with them.

I said, ‘I wasn’t sure if you were serious or not, but here you go!’

They had literally run out. They offered payment and we said no. Finley ran up into the garden and was admiring the lights again, and the wife said, ‘I know just the thing,’ and disappeared for a few minutes.

We talked with the elderly gentleman a while longer, and out came with wife with a box of lights. She said, ‘One good deed for another.’

Finley carried the box all the way back home. Finley loves grandparents, and he sure loves these lights.

I write this to remind everyone to check on your elderly neighbors and friends. They are important too.”

Courtesy Allison Lemons

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Allison Lemons, 26, of Erlanger, Kentucky. Follow Allison on Instagram here. Do you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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