‘YUK.’ You had some rolls on your back showing and your double chin was showing. That’s problematic.’: Woman reminds us, ‘Beauty has nothing to do with what’s on the outside’

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“To all the women who have looked at a gorgeous photo of yourself and said, ‘YUK.’ 

Because you had some rolls on your back showing that you didn’t want to suck in with oxygen reducing slim wear, or you were laughing so hard you had your double chin showing. 

You spotted some laugh lines or frown lines because you always talk with so much expression. 

Or your stomach looked much bigger than it did in the mirror today because you’ve eaten the cake or given birth to some amazing miniature versions of yourself.

I’ve got something to say. *AHEM*

1. Your weight will never be the most important, or the most interesting thing about you. And if it is, well, that’s problematic.

2. Wishing for those things to go away will never make you happy; life is worth living now. 

And truthfully, when I didn’t have the rolls, the double chin or the wrinkles and grey hair, I still questioned if I was ever whole, or worthy, or enough. Me loving myself is an inside job to work on. Not an outside one.

3. Beauty fades. Aging, body changes, they come whether you drink a kale smoothie or not. They’re a representation of laughs, of love and of life. They’re beautiful.

4. On your death bed, no one is going to say, ‘Here lies Laura, she has some cellulite and wrinkles.’ No, they’re going to talk about WHO YOU WERE, the things you achieved, and the people’s lives you touched. It won’t matter when you’re dead, so don’t waste years living making it matter first.

5. You were not made on this earth for looks. You were made on this earth to do beautiful things and to create them, so go do them… and when anyone takes your photo and it captures you in your rawness, don’t second guess it for an instant.

Beauty has nothing to do with what’s on the outside but everything to do with what’s inside of you. So, let it shine girl. ” 

Courtesy of Laura Mazza

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Laura Mazza. Follow Laura on Instagram hereDo you have a similar experience? We’d like to hear your important journey. Submit your own story here. Be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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