‘Mom, I don’t like my hands.’ Her gloves always had an extra space. She came to me with her piggy bank, begging for four-fingered gloves.’: Little girl with limb difference ‘beaming with joy’ after gifted custom gloves

“For the first time, she realized she was ‘different.’ This was her cascading moment. This meant something. I put it out there, hoping for ideas, suggestions, anything. And the glorious interconnectivity of the internet answered back.”

‘What are you wearing? You look like a clown!’ I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I vowed to never be ‘too much’ again.’: Woman shares self-love journey, ‘I finally feel like ME’

“I started dieting and skipping meals. ‘I’ll be happy when I’m skinny.’ I wore a pair of those sucking-in underwear to make sure I felt thin. I felt squished. I realized I looked absolutely no different without them, but I felt a million times better. I’ve never worn a pair since.”

‘Dear friend, it’s still me. Well, sort of. I’m no longer popping bottles, I’m pouring milk into them. I’m canceling a lot and it’s hard to explain why.’: Mom to newborn says ‘please keep inviting me, it means more than you know’

“I know you messaged me this morning…or was it yesterday? It’s all a bit of a blur and my phone is buried somewhere on my bedside that has never felt so small. I so badly want to reconnect with you, but I’m trying to reconnect with me too.”

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