I Started The World’s First Ever Plus-Sized Salon, Because Beauty Shouldn’t Have A Weight Limit

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“My name is Jamie Lopez and I’m a plus-sized woman. I’m also the CEO of the world’s FIRST full-service salon that celebrates body positivity and accommodates disabled and low self-esteem women, Babydoll Beauty Couture Salon in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Our chairs are fully equipped to support 800 pounds.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

A few years back, I went to a salon to get my hair done, sat down to greet my stylist, and the chair LOUDLY BROKE. Talk about a humiliating experience! Since then, I’ve been to countless nail salons that have turned me down because of my weight. Their chairs simply couldn’t accommodate my fabulous size. I knew I needed to make a change for the greater good. And that’s when my idea was born. These events motivated me to start Beauty Couture back in 2013.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

My entire life, I have always been extremely confident. I was the prom queen, class of 2013. I am most definitely bullied all of the time because of my weight, and it doesn’t help that people hate confident people. They hate to see you love yourself, hate to see you not caring what they think, hate to know they can’t take a jab at your confidence.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

When I started my business, strangers started stealing from the salon and vandalizing our location. They destroyed our air conditioners, smeared human poop on our windows. I’ve received numerous really intense death threats in the mail. But through it all, I let it roll. off. my. shoulders. I keep my positive attitude because I know I’m doing good work and I am blessed.

Of course all of the hatred makes me feel very sad. I was creating a safe space for plus-sized women and women of all shapes and sizes to feel beautiful, all the while the bullying was putting me in a really dark place. I found myself going in and out of depression and self-doubt. I kept wondering if I was doing the right thing because, after all, it was affecting my life in a tremendously negative fashion.

But then it happened.

I began receiving emails from people who were appreciative of everything I was doing. Let me tell you, it made me feel 100% better. These people are my angels and seriously keep me going. The world is such a cold  place. I can’t change that. But what I can do is continue to keep a positive attitude!

Time and time again, I have overcome the hate that the beauty industry has tried to throw my way. I was placed on the cover of BeaUtiful magazine. Being over 500 pounds, it broke world records! Every day, I give myself daily affirmations of positivity. I remind myself of my world and refuse to settle for anything less than I deserve, no matter what size I am.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

My business means everything to me! It’s like my child and it always takes the number one priority in my life. I am happy knowing I’ve given women a safe space to get glamorous, beautiful, and pampered.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

I have women, men, and teenagers from all over the world thanking me for creating such a wonderful establishment and letting me know they want to come to Las Vegas just to get pampered. My salon has become somewhat of a landmark and I couldn’t be more proud that I took the risk I did and created such a beautiful environment that promotes nothing but positivity, beauty, and love.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez
Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

Beauty to me is on the inside first and foremost. Beauty is self love and a kind, loving heart. Beauty is love. Beauty is strength. And, most importantly, beauty is confidence. There is no weight limit on beauty.

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

I would like to thank everyone who believed in me. They keep me going on my hardest day. To my supporters and clients, this business was made for you! And without you, I’d be nothing.”

Courtesy of Jamie Lopez

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Jamie Jackson of Las Vegas, Nevada. You can follow her journey on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Submit your own story here.

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