‘Mom, a boy in my class asked me if Olivia has autism.’: Woman shares proud mom moment, advocates for education

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“A few weeks ago, Robert came home after school and said, ‘Mom, a boy in my class asked me if Olivia has autism.’ Robert continued, ‘I said no, she has Down Syndrome.’

Then he proceeded to ask me, ‘Mom, was that okay?’

I gave him a hug and said, ‘Of course that’s okay, that was perfect!’

I believe the key to increasing acceptance and inclusion of people with DS is to educate others about what it is, and that it doesn’t define who people are ( I feel this applies to all diagnoses).

The more we normalize it and help people understand Olivia is just like everyone else, hopefully this will help to decrease stereotypes and bullying.

I am actually proud of Robert’s classmate for asking this question as well. He simply asked a question regarding something he wasn’t sure about in an appropriate manner.

Education is so powerful – it increases people’s level of understanding, decreases fears and gives new perspectives.

I want Robert to know his sister was born with Down Syndrome, but it is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I want him to advocate for her and educate others when needed…which it appears this is another role he has already gladly and naturally taken on.”

Brother and sister smile big and hug each other while standing on a balcony on a family vacation
Courtesy of Mayra

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Mayra of California. You can follow her journey on Instagram. Submit your own story here, and be sure to subscribeto our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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