‘Massive day at work today. We have our senior leadership meeting. I have to travel 5 hours by car and train. And what’s my wife doing? Not much really.’

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“Massive day at work today. We have our monthly senior leadership meeting. I have to travel for a 5 hour round trip journey split by car and train.

Then when I get there, I have to sit there all day and do important work stuff and have big work conversations. It’s exhausting.

And what’s my wife doing? Not much really.

All she has to do is get two boys up, dressed and fed while breastfeeding the third.

Then no doubt they’ll need to be taken outside or to a park to get all that energy out. How easy is that. All she has to do is sort their bags out, find the hats, pack some snacks and a spare change of clothes and buckle them into the car.

Then while they’re there she’ll have to feed the baby again because that’s what he does. Without letting go of him she’ll have to interact with and help the others on and off swings and stimulate them enough to not get bored. It’s easy really.

They’ll come home where she’ll sort their lunch out. They probably won’t eat it. Then while trying to get them to rest she’ll jump online and do some online shopping. Groceries… what a life. Pffft…. as if you wouldn’t just go to the store with three kids on your own.

No doubt in the afternoon they’ll be demanding to ride their bikes, scooters, go-karts and run around out the back. She’ll probably just sit around and feed Teddy again. At 4 p.m. they’ll start getting tired again and get grumpy. She’ll fight with them about stupid little things like ‘don’t hit your brother.’ I know right…

Well at 5 she’ll want to know where I am and how I’m tracking. Groceries are about to be delivered and the boys are going crazy. Teddy needs to be held and she has to feed them and begin night routine. I’ll probably reply with a ‘call you back’ message because I’m busy as f*ck.

She’ll prepare their dinner, watch them eat, run their bath and dress them for bed all in an hour with one hand because she is still holding Teddy. Exhausted from non-stop torment and not a second to herself all day she’ll call me again to see where I am. She’ll be tired, smelly frustrated and sick of being touched. She’ll be irritable, yucky and want nothing more than a shower, a shampoo and a hot cup of tea.

I’ll strut my stuff into the house at 7:30 after my massive day. She’ll be just chilling on her phone near a toddler or babies cot because they are struggling to go to sleep and I bet the groceries are still out because she managed to just get the fridge stuff packed away.

I’ll probably have to even prepare our dinner.

On the weekend she’ll tell Knox he has a motorbike because ‘daddy works very hard for our family.’

Like I said; today’s a massive day for me.

Thank you to my wife for everything you do for us. You’re the glue.”

Man who thanks his wife for doing so much for his family takes selfie in train

This story was written by Brad Kearns of DaDMum. The article originally appeared here. Submit your story here, and be sure to subscribe to our best love stories here.

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