‘My principal emailed me. She added another student to my roster. ‘Come talk to me when you get a chance. I have to tell you her story.’: Teacher remembers every student ‘has a story’ and they just might ‘change you’

“She saw the terror in my eyes. The office lady leaned in to whisper, ‘The guidance counselor will be in shortly.’ He just stood there. Looking up at me with his big, empty, chocolate eyes. In that moment, I could peek into his soul. I knew I was in that classroom, at that moment, for him.”

‘People went out of their way to ignore me, as if being fat was contagious. Others used me as a lesson for their kids. ‘Look! This is what happens when you don’t eat right!’ I couldn’t find happiness, so food was my escape.’

“My weight got to the point where standing was painful. My wife got used to my answer being ‘no’ to everything. The panic set in. Was my weight ruining her life? Was I trapping her? Did she resent me for that? Did she still find me attractive or fun to be around?”

How A Wrong Phone Number Led Me To A Friend I Didn’t Know I Needed

“I had just found out my parents were getting divorced. I struggled with it a lot. Her unexpected, wrong calls helped me so much. When she realized it was my number and not her grandson’s, I wondered if I would ever hear from her again. Well, I finally got to meet her.”

‘We’re sorry. We’ve done all we could.’ He was holding his 11-month-old daughter. He went stiff, making a gurgling sound.’: Medical examiner says father died after drinking energy drinks that ‘ultimately stopped his heart’

“My son had an energy drink then sat to enjoy his evening with his family. I was taking my shower when the call came in. It was my son’s fiancée. She rarely calls me, and was panicked. ‘Has Buddy ever had a seizure?’ I said, ‘No! Why do you ask?’ She stated, ‘I think he is having a seizure!’ He wasn’t sick. He had no health issues. His toxicology report came back negative to everything except stimulants.”