Some Days A Daughter Just Needs Her Mom

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“Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she has her own kids.

When she’s tired and overwhelmed.

When she starts questioning her instincts.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she needs to talk.

When she needs someone she knows will just understand.

When she knows she’s never bothering her by calling her.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she needs someone to lift her up when she’s being the worst version of herself.

When she just needs some grace.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she needs some comfort.

She needs encouragement.

She needs to hear that someone else has gone through the same thing.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she needs help seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

When the days feel long.

When she needs a break.

A moment to catch her breath.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

When she needs someone to celebrate with.

Laugh with.

Someone who will feel the excitement in her heart as much as she feels it on her own.

Someone who just understands why it means so much to her.

Some days a daughter just needs her mom.

You see, I think a daughter will just always need her mom.

Even when mothers aren’t in our presence, we carry their hearts around with us forever.

All that they are, echoes throughout our spirit.

And we carry their heartbeat within us every day.

Mothers forever live in our hearts.

A mother’s comfort, warmth, love, grace…always live inside of our souls.

We are all just our mother’s daughters.”

Courtesy of Messy Footprints

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Messy FootprintsSubmit your own story here and be sure to subscribe to our free email newsletter for our best stories, and YouTube for our best videos.

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